On Oct. 18, HK SFC issued web page to report corporate fraud.
- New features on SFC website to encourage public reporting of offences, suspects.
Fraud, Misconduct
- Form located on new reporting corporate fraud and market misconduct webpage.
- To make easier for public to report suspected corporate fraud, market misconduct.
- Webpage gives non-exhaustive list of activities to report including insider dealing, market manipulation, failure to disclose price-sensitive information, price rigging.
- Online form for the public to report whereabouts of people SFC is trying to locate.
- Have you seen these people? section of SFC’s website provides additional details
about key suspects SFC is trying to locate and an online form to give information. - Can be provided anonymously however encouraged to supply contact information.
Outside Hong Kong
- Where reported information, points to evidence outside Hong Kong, the SFC may
seek investigative/assistance, from regulatory counterparts in other jurisdictions.