On Feb. 21, ASIC welcomed passing of new whistleblowing laws. ASIC welcomed the passing of treasury laws amendment (enhancing whistleblower protections) bill 2018, which was approved by Parliament late on Feb. 19, 2019. Significantly improves protections for whistleblowers who report company misconduct. Reforms Broaden the whistleblower definition to include both current and former employees, officers,…
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JER Harassment/Whistleblowing
On Jan. 21, JER States implemented bullying/whistleblowing policy. New framework managing bullying/harassment in the public sector, outlines clear responsibilities for managers, early process to resolve cases informally if possible. Internal mediators/investigators recruited to manage cases quickly and impartially. New whistleblowing policy encourages employees to speak out when they witness inappropriate activity, including concerns about patient…
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