On Aug. 15, FCA issued complaints handling review, RCA case study. FCA published findings of its review of how non-deposit taking mortgage lenders (NDTMLs), and mortgage third-party administrators (MTPAs) handle complaints. Examined how firms treat customers; if complaint handling arrangements pose potential consumer harm; what, if anything, can do to handle complaints better. Published understanding…
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UK FCA Inside Info Disclosure
On Jun. 11, FCA proposed technical note on disclosure delay. Follows ESMA Oct. 2016 MAR guidelines on allowed disclosure delay. FCA Consultation Held discussion with a range of stakeholders on issue of identifying and handling inside information during the preparation of the entity's periodic financial reports. Proposed update note UKLA/TN/506.1 on periodic reports, and inside…
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UK FCA Fines Canara GBP 900K
On Jun. 6, FCA issued final notice on Canara bank for AML failure. FCA penalized Canara bank for significant failures regarding AML systems, controls. Allegations Nov. 2012, Mar. 2013 FCA visited Canara as part of Trade Finance Thematic Project. Canara placed on notice of serious weaknesses identified in AML systems, controls. Canara confirmed remedial steps…
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