EC Whistleblower Protection

On Nov. 20, 2018, EP approved draft rules to increase whistleblower protection.

  • Guarantee that whistle-blowers in the EU can report breaches of EU law in area
    of tax evasion, corruption, environmental protection or public health and safety.
  • Without fear of retaliation and intimidation, legal affairs MEPs agreed protection
    measures must also apply to those assisting the reporting person eg journalists.
  • MSs are to ensure that private and public sector put in place adequate channels.
  • Should ensure that reporting person is notified of receipt received within a week.
  • While follow-up on report must be received no later than 2 months after receipt.
  • Should be up to reporting person to choose most appropriate channel to report.
  • Agreed text explicitly prohibits reprisals and member states would have to take
    necessary safeguard against retaliation, MS provide free information and advice.