On Aug. 14, IEX proposed rule crumbling quote fee threshold.
- Revised the threshold for imposition of the crumbling quote remove fee (CQRF).
- More narrowly tailor to activity that is indicative of a deliberate trading strategy
that may adversely affect execution quality on the Exchange, in rulebook.
Current Threshold
- IEX charges CQRF to orders that remove resting liquidity when crumbling quote
indicator (CQI) is on, if executions is over 5% of firm's volume executed on IEX. - If at least 1mn shares on monthly basis per market participant identifier (MPID).
- Orders above 5% and 1mn thresholds have $0.0030 fee per incremental share.
- Applied to each share executed at or above $1.00 that exceeds CQRF Threshold.
- Assessed using real time relative quoting activity of certain protected quotations.
- To assess probability of imminent change to current protected national best bid.
- When quote instability factor is greater than threshold, treats quote as unstable.
- Any such determination remains in effect at that price level for two milliseconds.
- Aggressive tactic during quote instability, is detrimental to experience of others.
Pooling Concern
- IEX believe firm may circumvent CQRF threshold by routing orders to IEX in a
deliberate trading strategy that targets resting liquidity during quote instability. - Through another firm (using other MPID) not engaged in such a strategy at all.
- Routing would consolidate the executions that take liquidity when the CQI is on.
- Thereby reducing executions that exceed the CQRF threshold and fees for firms.
- To address concern, IEX proposes to revise threshold for imposition of the CQRF.
- More narrowly tailor to activity that is indicative of a deliberate trading strategy.
- Where such a strategy may adversely affect execution quality on the Exchange.
- On Aug. 14, 2018, SEC approved rule in federal register, for immediate effect.